Information provided pursuant to § 5 TMG [German Telemedia Act]

Leistritz Turbinentechnik GmbH
Lempstraße 24
42859 Remscheid | Germany

Phone: +49 (2191) 6940-0
Fax: +49 (2191) 6940-282


Board of Directors: Bernd Kretschmer, Ulrich Strieder

Corporate seat: Remscheid
Commercial Register: HRB 12458; Commercial Register Court of Wuppertal
Pursuant to § 27a Umsatzsteuergesetz [German VAT Act]: VAT identification no. DE812523492


Responsible for the content of the website pursuant to § 55 clause 2 RStV [German Radio Station and Television Licensing Act]:
Executive Board of Directors: Michael Everts, Mirko Pannwitz
Leistritz AG, Markgrafenstr. 36-39, 90459 Nuremberg | Germany


References for the image files used on the website can be found here.

Konzeption, Design und Programmierung

ercas. die agentur